Scientific Guidelines & Documentation

The application takes into consideration all the latest official and scientific WHO’s (World Health Organization) guidelines on how a healthy diet, throughout life, helps prevent health.



The app follows the global trend about precision nutrition. It focuses with its algorithms on precision nutrition, also referred to as personalized nutrition. Specifically, it refers to the individual nutrition plan of each person and not to same general guidelines to groups with the same characteristics. World leading medical institutions and educational organizations such as Harvard highlight this trend

  • 10.1155/2013/184598

THE IMON METHOD innovates the field of precision nutrition. The method targets to achieve Ideal Health through Mindful and hyper-personalized  nutrition using bio-algorithms that have been tested to athletes. The method is patented

With the help of modern and specialized measurements, specific oxidative (damaging) and antioxidant (protective) factors of the metabolic function of the user are determined with absolute precision and detail. His metabolic state can lead to through and timely information.

Xiaoxia et al., Phenotype of higher post-load insulin response as a predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in the Chinese non-diabetic population, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome volume 14, Article number: 19 (2022).

Goutzourelas, N., Orfanou, M., Charizanis, I., Leon, G., Spandidos, D. A., & Kouretas, D. (2018). GSH levels affect weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome and obesity following dietary therapy. Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 16(2), 635–642.

The role of Nrf2 : Adipocyte Differentiation ,obesity and insulin resistance 10.1155/2013/184598

Variations in oxidative stress markers in elite basketball players at beginning end and       of a season.

Assessment of the redox status in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes reveals great variations

The app suggests – as part of the nutritional plan – the use of special biofunctional foods with Health Claims based on the European Health Organization, which have been invented by the IMON scientific team and act as tools for faster, better and longer-lasting health goals

Concepts and strategy of functional food science: the European perspective

Marcel B Roberfroid, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 71, Issue 6, June 2000, Pages 1660S–1664S,