Our I-M-O-N METHODOS includes nutritherapeutic protocols for prevention, health management, and health goal-setting and special developed biofunctional food supplements, snacks and menus.
I-M-O-N METHODOS nutritherapeutic approach takes into consideration individual needs, lifestyle, and health goals.
The approach includes the following:

Assessment and Personalization:
Begin with a thorough assessment of current health status, including medical history, lifestyle factors, and any existing health conditions.Consider genetic factors through nutrigenomic testing for personalized insights.

Nutrient-Rich Diet:
Emphasize a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Address any specific nutritional deficiencies identified through testing.


Based on individual needs, supplement key nutrients that may be lacking in the diet. Consider factors such as age, gender, activity level, and health goals.

Ensure adequate water intake for overall health and proper bodily functions. Lifestyle Modifications: Integrate physical activity into the routine based on fitness levels and preferences. Address stress management through techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or yoga.

Goal Setting:
Establish clear and realistic health goals, whether they involve weight management, improved energy levels, or specific health outcomes.
Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps for sustained progress.

Regular Monitoring:
Periodically reassess health status and adjust protocols accordingly.
Track progress towards goals and make necessary modifications.

Professional Guidance:
Work with healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and other experts specialized on precision nutrition, one can develop and refine nutritherapeutic protocols.
Consider regular check-ins for ongoing support and guidance.
Remember, these protocols should be flexible and adaptable to changes in health status and goals. Regular communication with healthcare professionals is crucial to ensure that the approach remains tailored to individual needs.

Our team elaborates multi-omics techniques in order to evaluate and design personalized nutrition. Multi-omics techniques is cutting-edge and holds immense potential. Multi-omics refers to the integration of various -omics technologies, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, to comprehensively analyze biological systems and individual cell function

Here’s how this approach could be implemented in nutritherapies and personalized nutrition:

Genomic Analysis:

Conduct genetic testing to identify individual genetic variations that influence nutrient metabolism and response to specific dietary components. Tailor nutrition recommendations based on genetic predispositions, addressing potential nutrient deficiencies or excesses.

Transcriptomic Profiling:
Analyze gene expression patterns to understand how genes are activated or suppressed in response to diet.
Fine-tune nutritional recommendations based on the current state of gene expression for optimal health.
Proteomic Insights:
Examine the protein composition to identify specific proteins influenced by diet.
Customize protein intake to support cellular functions and address any deficiencies.
Metabolomic Profiling:
Explore the metabolites present in cells to understand how nutrients are metabolized.
Design personalized dietary plans that optimize metabolic pathways and address any metabolic imbalances.
Microbiome Analysis:
Investigate the gut microbiota composition and its impact on nutrient absorption and metabolism.
Personalize dietary recommendations to support a healthy gut microbiome.
Cellular Health Monitoring:
Assess cellular health indicators such as oxidative stress, inflammation, and
mitochondrial function.
Implement targeted nutritherapies to address specific cellular health markers.
Dynamic Adjustments:
Continuously monitor multi-omics data over time to adapt and refine personalized nutrition plans based on changing cellular conditions.
This approach allows for a highly individualized and precise nutritional intervention.
Integrating multi-omics data provides a more comprehensive understanding of an individual’s unique biological makeup, allowing for the development of tailored nutritherapeutic strategies. While this field is rapidly advancing, it’s essential to work with professionals well-versed in both nutrigenomics and multi-omics to interpret and apply these complex datasets effectively.